Price, Customer Satisfaction, ShopeeAbstract
The research is motivated by the development of the times and the rise of e-commerce has helped change people’s lifestyles to become instantaneous because the majority of people have high mobility in their daily activities. Each company offers advantages to consumers so that they can continue to survive the more attractive, easy and profitable sales system so that they company’s sales system is important to pay attention to because the company’s sales system is inseparable from developments in technology and information. This study aims to determine the effect of price (X) on customer satisfaction (Y) at the online shop Shopee in the community in Jakarta. This type of research is used quantitative. In this study, data collection used the questionnaire method to 100 (one hundred) customer respondents for the online shop Shopee. The sample in the study was taken using the Non Probability Sampling technique to determine the respondent’s response to each variable. The data analysis method used is descriptive statistical analysis, validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, simpel regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate partially the price has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction in the community in Jakarta. The result of the coefficient of determinination (R²) in the R square column is 0.293. This means that 29.3% of customer satisfaction at Shopee’s online shop is influenced by price, while the reaming 70.7% of customers satisfaction is influenced by other unknown factors or variables and is not included in this regression.
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