Education Quality Management System ISO 21001:2018, higher education quality assurance system (SPM Dikti), CorrelationAbstract
To get quality education, the government implements the Higher Education Quality Assurance System (SPM Dikti). SPM Dikti consists of an internal quality assurance system (SPMI) developed by universities, and an external quality assurance system (SPME) which is carried out through accreditation. At the national level, universities are required to undergo accreditation facilitated by the Government as operational legalization and quality ratings of institutions and study programs. At the international level, universities generally use the ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) or the ISO 21001 Education Organization Management System (SMOP) in an effort to improve the quality of their education processes. The two SPM Dikti and SMOP systems have different languages, structures, targets and documentation details. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between the Higher Education Quality Assurance System (SPM Dikti) and ISO 21001: 2018. The method used in analyzing the correlation of the two documents in this study is a comparative method, by comparing the requirements of ISO 21001:2018 and the Act. No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, which is explained through Permenristekdikti 62 of 2016 concerning the Higher Education Quality Assurance System. The expected results of this study show the efficiency of the application of ISO requirements in the BAN-PT accreditation process, and vice versa the effectiveness of the application of BAN-PT accreditation in the ISO adoption process. The correlation of the two systems will be a very useful tool for ISO 21001 certified universities in supporting BAN-PT Accreditation
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